Beautiful , custom framed fine art photography by jeanne hall.
south florida artist jeanne hall sells fine art photographs of florida keys sunsets and kayaking trips. Call for info about fine art photography by Jeanne to get updates of the various art exhibits and festivals where you can purchase custom framed beautiful images by artist Jeanne Hall.
Sunset kayak photographs by artist Jeanne Hall. Growing up in the Florida Keys, painter, artist Jeanne Hall now offers beautiful fine art photography in various sizes, frames, etc :-)
Jeanne Hall
In Ft Lauderdale, the FL Keys and Miami, Florida painting contractor Jeanne Hall and TLC Design Studio painters create beautiful wall faux finishes, venetian plaster, faux painting, murals, cabinets and refinished furniture. Unique home furnishings, and artistic home decor in Fort Lauderdale, from West Palm Beach to the FL Keys. Categories